
The lesson video is the following

Main position

During this lesson, I learned a classic joseki that often occurs when we approach the 3-4 points and the opponent pincer.

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This pincer comes with many complicated variations, and thus it is often used by stronger players to take a lead by provoking a mistake from their opponent.

There are two reasonably easy continuation that will depend on the color of the stone around the marked intersection on the top right corner.

The opposite corner is white

In this case, white can play as shown in the next diagram.

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As white has an ally on the top, he can counter pincer the black stone and start a fight. Not it is not necessary to protect the attachment stone by playing at A.

Indeed, if black plays at A as in the next diagram, white can answer at B. Black could choose to play at C to capture the one stone, but it is quite gote.

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If black choose to not play C in the previous diagram, then white can play as shown in the next diagram.

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A and B in the previous diagram are miai and white will either connect or live in the corner.

Similarly, if black never play the atari, white can live in the corner by following the sequence shown in the following diagram.

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The opposite corner is black

In the case there is an opponent stone in the opposite corner, white must play 1 in the next diagram.

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The move at 1 has many difficult continuation, and knowing them all is way above my level. But one of the possible continuation is with the moves from 1 to 17. In the past, nobody would play at 7, as the outside thickness of black is huge. But AIs tell us that it is ok, even more if we have a stone in the opposite corner to play a move around 17.