
The lesson video is the following

Main position

During this lesson, I learned a new AI variation for the classic joseki that often occurs when we approach the 3-4 points and the opponent pincer.

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The attachement was for long time thought to be bad. But AI decided otherwise.

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After white 7, black can choose to either protect the side, or the corner group.

Black protects the side

If black decides to protect the side, then white can easily go out by pushing black to a very low position with 9 and 11.

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Black protects corner

If black chooses to protect the corner, the best is to jump under the pincer stone and settle.

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After black 12, white can take sente to tenuki.

Black blocks

If black tries to block with 12, then white can clamp and settle more deeply in black area.

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After black 20, white can tenuki and take sente. AI says it is about 60% better for white, and slightly better for white than the previous diagram.

Black tries to cut

To try to cut with 12 seems severe.

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But white will sacrifice the 3 stones by connecting at 15 and then push black to a very low position with 19. White 3 stones still have a lot of aji and black corner is very low while white is safe outside. AI doesn’t like this position for black at all.