The lesson video is the following
Main position
In this lesson we have seen how to manage the hane in this very popular pincer.
The diagram above is a variation of the normal joseki, but what happens if black plays the hane at 5 in the next diagram?
White can choose between 2 answers at A and at B.
White extends at A
If white extends at A, then the following variation should be played. After that, white can tenuki and play around A.
It is important to notice the connection at 8. If black tries to block down as 8 in the next diagram.
Then white must not fear and cut with 9. If black defends his stone, his position will collapse, and the three stones will die.
White hane at B
If white hane at B, then the following variation should be played.
At that point, black can choose to connect, and white is happy to connect back. Or black can descent and the moves as shown below follow.
At this point, white must connect at A and the variation ends as shown below.
White has taken the corner and jumped to the side while black shape is very over-concentrated. If white tries to attack black more strongly with B or C, the two following variation follows. In both case, white position collapse.