
The lesson video is the following

Main position

In this lesson we have seen how to invade in the following situation.

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White has only one answer.

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From there black can choose A to get strength outside. B for a crazy ko fight in case black has a lot of ko threats or is behind and needs to find something. Finally, C is territorial.

Invasion at A

The following sequence is usually played after the invasion at A.

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If white tenuki, then in the future black can force all the moves to 7, and 7 is sente because it threats to start a big ko.

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Invasion at B

Black B leads to a big ko that should not be played unless black has a lot of ko threats or if black is losing and want to create complications.

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Invasion at C

Black C is a territorial move. Usually, white will connect and black will then connect also.

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If white tries to cut, then black jumps out and split the two groups. It should be an alright fight for black.

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